Aquila Lightway: A Leap into the Future

Aquila Lightway achieves groundbreaking milestone for wireless drone flight.
January 25, 2024
Billy Jeremijenko

At Aquila, we're not just thinking about the future, we're actively building it. Last week marked a monumental step forward for our team, and we're thrilled to share the details

Breaking Limits at Latrobe Airport

Latrobe Regional Airport recently became a witness to technological history, as our innovative Lightway technology made its debut. This trial, a critical component of our mission to make energy as accessible as the internet, showcased our groundbreaking wireless energy charging technology. The drone, charged wirelessly from various distances, signifies a leap forward in unmanned aerial technology.

Aquila's drone trials demonstrated long-range wireless power transfer

Merging Science and Technology

Our approach is simple yet impactful. We use light beams and special solar cells to safely charge drones in-flight. Our technology, built and refined by our team, has now smashed previous records by charging drones at a distance of 50 meters.

No Wires, No Limits

At Aquila, our ambition is to create a clean energy network of light. Our recent trial at the aircraft hangar proved the effectiveness of our technology.

Latrobe Regional Airport is hosting trials to become an aerospace hub.

Going Beyond Drones

Our wireless energy technology could transform sectors far beyond drones. From asset management to search and rescue, from coastal surveillance to transport, the applications are limitless.

Partnering with the Future

Latrobe City Council shares our enthusiasm for innovation. Their efforts to position Latrobe City as a hub for new energy industries and advanced manufacturing are fantastic and a huge enabler for companies like us. The focus on drone technology for freight within the AAM landscape opens up exciting possibilities for economic growth and sustainable development.

Looking Ahead

With each new milestone, we move closer to a world where energy is as ubiquitous and accessible as mobile data — an 'internet of energy.'

We're grateful to all our partners who are supporting us in our journey. Together, we're creating a new energy.

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